
a whole church responsibility

Good Practice in Safeguarding

We are committed to our church being a safe space for children, young people, adults at risk and all those who come through our doors.

We work to a formal Safeguarding Policy which can be seen on request from:
Sally Ferris, Safeguarding Coordinator.

Our policies conform to both government legislation and our denominational guidelines.

If you have any concerns about the safety or welfare of a child or adult you can speak to:

Sally Ferris – Safeguarding Co-ordinator, or

Andy Murphy Elliott – Deputy Safeguarding Co-ordinator, by emailing

Those named above have been appointed and commissioned by the Deacons in this place of worship to respond to any safeguarding concerns.

Further Contacts

Safeguarding Advisor: North Western Synod of the United Reformed Church
Contact Julie Rafferty on 07964 981262 or

Thirtyone Eight

Churches Child Protection Advisory Service – 24 hour help-line
0303 003 1111


0800 1111


0808 800 5000

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