Room Hire

serving our community

Click the Calendar Icon to view our online bookings calendar to check the availability of our premises before you make a booking application. If the room is free on the day and time you require, then use the form below to make an enquiry. 

Room Hire Application

Type of booking

Frequency of event

Which Room(s) do you wish to book?

Do you have your own insurance?

By checking this box you are indicating that you understand any safeguarding requrements relevant to your event and that it is your responsibility to ensure the relevant procedures are in place.

9 + 10 =

If you do not receive a confirmation message after pressing submit, the form has not been sent. Please check you have completed all the required sections which will be highlighted in red.

Conditions of Hire

Please check any Conditions of Hire relevant to your booking before pressing submit.


If you will be working with children and/or vulnerable adults you must comply with the law and you must provide evidence of this (DBS Certificates) before you start or immediately upon request subsequently.


If alcohol is served without charge to guests (for example, at a wedding reception or private party) no license is needed.

In ALL other circumstances (including a pay bar at a wedding reception or private party) a Temporary Event Notice must be submitted to Manchester City Council.

You (or your caterer) are responsible to submit this but NOT until the Church has given approval in writing as there is an annual limit on the number of notices we can issue for our premises in any 12 month period.

You (or your caterer) are responsible for complying with all licensing conditions.

We will supply a suitable floor plan to accompany your Temporary Event Notice.


Please remember to factor into your booking request any time contractors will need to set up before the event, and clear away afterwards.

Room Availability

Room Hire Application

Room Hire Charges

Conditions of Hire

In Case of Emergency

Faults and Repairs

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