A Warm Welcome!

A Warm Welcome!

As the winter weather is now upon us, Chorlton Central Church will be open each Thursday to offer a Warm Welcome to all! Hot food and drinks will be available, as well as crafts and chat for all ages – all completely free of charge! Whether you would like a hot...
Breaking News!

Breaking News!

Former Chorlton Central Member, Revd Dr Adam Scott as recently been confirmed as the next Principal of Northern College. Based at the Luther King Centre in Rusholme, Manchester just a couple of miles from our church we home many of our members will benefit from lay...
Warm Welcoming Spaces

Warm Welcoming Spaces

Our Warm Welcome Space is open throughout the winter season on Thursdays 3:30 till 5:30. A welcome space for all with a free host meal, and a selection of weekly craft activities to chose from. Or just sit, chat, and enjoy a cuppa. Come on in out of the cold!...

Listening for God

How often do we stop and listen for God? Like really stop and really listen? Not just a brief pause with a cuppa, or putting down our phone for five minutes, but setting aside, say, half an hour, with no distractions whatsoever, simply to listen and maybe hear what...
Singing with PRIDE!

Singing with PRIDE!

On Sunday 14th May The Rainbow People Choir from the Metropolitan Congregation at Wilbraham St Ninian’s United Reformed Church performed at our special fundraiser event for Christians Walking with Pride. All monies raised go towards funding our presence at this...
Pipe Organ or Banjo?

Pipe Organ or Banjo?

When it comes to church music, we believe anything goes! Whether and organ or piano, a band or a busker! This week we were treated to some old gospel sounds from the Deep South. Well, well, well – whatever next?
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